Saturday, September 29, 2007

Avatar: The Headband.

Season 3, Episode 2

Here they are on YouTube, I LOVE AVATAR! hahahahaha
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

If you want to watch the first episode of this season here are the links to them:

These pets are going to die. Look at their faces

The site that guilt trips you in to getting a dog by telling you it will die if you don’t. the site refers to the fact that “Over four million dogs are killed each year in shelters” is a “National tragedy”. I would love to know how many homeless people die each year. The site shows you pictures and the date a dogs is set to be euthanized in order to “Put the truth in front of the consumer”. Am I just crazy or should less resources be put in to saving dogs lives and more resources be put in to saving peoples lives?

Story here

Google continues world domination

“Google is planning to expand its staff by a third, with most of the new hirings in Europe” and now with the USA firmly in its clutches Google turns its eye toward the east.

“The Web search company plans to hire several thousand engineers in Europe to create a research-and-development team” more like a research on how-to-take-over-Europe team. There putting satellites in the sky people. Russia did that and we freaked out (Sputnik). But Google dose it and even takes picture of our own back yards and its all cool. “We love you Google, we love you.” Its only a matter of time until we our all saying “We will do your biding unquestionably Google, what is it that you ask of us?”

Story here

Friday, September 28, 2007

New ipod is bigger + keyboard and mouse

The new Ipod "One" pretty much looks like a giant ipod without a clickwheel. The coolest part is that it comes with a wireless keyboard, mouse, and remote and chances are the battery last a whole lot longer. This new ipod clearly is just a means to make more money off of accesories. Just imagine how much more they could charge for a 19" ipod arm band compared to a 2" ipod arm band. Im sure the release of a wireless clickwheel is inevitable. The only question left to ask: Is the battery user replaceable?

For more info check out Engadget

fon: wifi for everyone (who has fon)

"fon" is a network of people who have special fon wifi routers that allow any one with a fon account to use your internet connection like a hot spot. The good thing about fon is that it is long as you buy the $40 wifi router. The bad thing is that it cost 40 bucks. In its current state it probably isn't the best way to pick up wifi around town, but the more people that install a router, the better the service gets. Just imagine if one person every square mile had a fon router. any where you went you could be sure to be close to a hot spot. Thier web site even has a map that shows were in your town fon hotspots are located. It's worth checking out if the phrase "wifi everywhere" gives you the chills. The point is, you should sign up and then tell all your friends about it so that more people have hot spots. Basically I want free wifi everywhere and this is one way it could happen.

p.s. if you really get chills from that, check out hsdpa or wimax on wikipedia.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Google!!!!

I love you Google, Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Velociraptors Redux

Click image for full view - from xkcd
We all realize the how important and awesome raptors are. We all love, but at the same time, fear and respect them. To the left I have another comic that gives us some insight to the mathematical principles that we ought to think of in every day life, just in case we have an unlikely and unfortunate meeting with such creatures of majesty, beauty, and superior intelligence.

Also, I made references in the last post in regards to a Doctorate's fanmail to the xkcd writer. It is definitely worth a read and to share. I think we all would do good to follow his instruction; you never can be too safe.

In closing I will leave you with another comic from the wonderful world of xkcd; probably the one of the only places I know of online that is obsessed with raptors and able to make it funny.

Click image for full view - from xkcd