Saturday, September 29, 2007

These pets are going to die. Look at their faces

The site that guilt trips you in to getting a dog by telling you it will die if you don’t. the site refers to the fact that “Over four million dogs are killed each year in shelters” is a “National tragedy”. I would love to know how many homeless people die each year. The site shows you pictures and the date a dogs is set to be euthanized in order to “Put the truth in front of the consumer”. Am I just crazy or should less resources be put in to saving dogs lives and more resources be put in to saving peoples lives?

Story here


squirrls said...

But dude, they'll die. How can you be so insensitive?

squirrls said...

Dude, lets put the dogs to good use, send half to Taiwan or Bangcock for food and put the rest into training for dog fights.