Tuesday, September 25, 2007

.22 Bullets Tearing Things Apart

These are some cool pictures I found on Digg called Crayon Assassin. Someone shooting a .22 through things and taking pictures with a nice camera. The guys Flickr account is linked at the bottom. He has some other cool photography on there too.

This is one of my favorite shots. Some awesome photography and marksmanship all in one!

Here are two shots of a rose getting... shot.

This is a pear that was shot by a modified .22 round. I assume since it was mentioned that this was a modified round the other ones were normal.

~Flickr: Davidneff < Digg


Dustin said...

Those pictures are awesome. I wonder what else you could do with a .22 and a high speed camera...

emickp said...

this guy is a cake eater... who shoots $100 bill?

Ok, now that I've got that out of my system... these pics are sweet.

The best one would have to be either the crayons or the match...